
Yoga, Feldenkrais & Movement Therapy – More Online Classes Added Now

8 Weeks to Your Intelligent Body – A Feldenkrais(R) Series

Every day of our lives we do things; we move, walk, run, do house work doing the dishes or cleaning the house, carry groceries or the kids on our hips or arms, rake the leaves, sit at the computer – we do that a lot!!! – read, write and at the end of the day lie down to sleep.

Did you ever wonder how you actually did any of that? Did you have a visceral sensation in your body? A picture in your mind? Probably not … as most of us do things with the end result in mind, focused on the outcome versus the process.

We do not much live in our bodies, we tend to live in our head and only get out of the intellectual realm when our body starts protesting loudly against the discrimination and neglect. This includes over training and pushing through discomfort and pain just to get what we want. By the time we decide to take action, our physical self is usually so uncomfortable, we have a hard time suppressing this bothersome feedback. Something must be done and usually it starts with a pain pill, avoidance of specific movements, potentially followed by physical therapy and in extreme cases surgery.

All for what? Failing to pay attention to the process while getting wrapped up in the outcome … But is there a different way?

Fortunately the answer is a resounding yes: we can perform all of our tasks with awareness, fine tuning the body and the brain at the same time, moving lighter with optimum effort and maximum efficacy for better function.

The solution is the Awareness Through Movement(R) or ATM(R) for short, the guided floor work of the Feldenkrais(R) Method conducted in a group setting. The lessons will introduce you to different types of movement, from rolling to sitting to bending amongst others. They will guide you, the student, through innovative sequences where you will learn about your own self through movement: your preferences, limitations, capabilities and ways of “compromise” to become an expert mover. Moving with ease, lightness, optimum effort and intelligence.
While each lesson will stand on its own and will bring positive change into your life, committing to the whole series is greatly encouraged for maximum efficacy and initiating meaningful, long lasting change.


Open Space Yoga
19 Factory Street, Nashua NH

Fridays* 10:00 – 11:15 AM                                                                                                                              May 6 – July 1, 2016, no class on May 27


Please note price reflects entire 8 week series, not a single session.

With any questions or concerns please contact Zsuzsa                                                                          978-494-4075 or 603-548-5511 or email

Breath, Movement, Yoga – A Beginner’s Guide to Practice


Feeling stressed out, running on empty, low on energy with a long list of “to dos” with no tools or idea how you can carry on? There is a new class for you where you can take a step back, breathe and regroup.  You’ll learn the basics of yoga, meditation, somatic movement so your mind becomes clearer, your body lighter and your stress level more manageable.

This is a class designed for beginners – but literally anyone will benefit – and during the 8 week course you’ll master enough of the basics and principles to develop a home practice, which then will become one of the cornerstones of your well being.

By the time “graduation” Thursday rolls along you’ll have a better handle on life’s ups and downs and obstacles, both physical and mental, with more energy, peace and ease.

Soma Twist


Through movement, guided exploration, breath work and meditation you will master working with your body and mind as an integrated whole and come away with the knowledge necessary to manage both your physical as well as mental reality from a more empowered perspective.

We’ll hold a complimentary “graduation” session from 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM with tea and treats afterwards.   Spring session runs for 8+1 weeks from March 4 through April 29.

Come join us on the way to a healthier, happier, more balanced life!

Price: $96.00 /per person

Refund policy

PayPal click here to pay


Open Space Yoga
19 Factory Street, Nashua NH

Thursdays* 6:00 – 7:30 PM                                                                                                                      March 3 – April 28, 2016


With any questions or concerns please contact Zsuzsa                                                                          978-494-4075 or 603-548-5511 or email

Connecting Breath, Movement, Awareness – Finding Your Yoga

Feeling stressed out, running on empty, low on energy with a long list of “to dos” with no idea how you can carry on? There is a new class for you where you can take a step back, breath and regroup. You’ll learn ways to handle life and obstacles, both physical and mental, with more energy, peace and be at ease.

As you become more aware of your body, movement and breath, cultivating awareness, insight and calm, becoming more flexible in mind and body, will come more naturally.  Restore, rejuvenate, learn to cooperate with your body and  your mind in the “here and now”, accepting and working with your current reality and discovering better ways of finding solutions, insight, ease and lightness in life. Clearing your mind of cluttering thoughts so clarity,wisdom and vision can emerge, taking steps toward true yoga: unifying your body, mind and spirit will become reality.

Soma Twist

Through movement, guided exploration, breath work and meditation you will master working with your body and mind as an integrated whole and come away with the knowledge necessary to manage both your physical as well as mental reality from a more empowered perspective.

A complimentary introductory session is held on November 19 from 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM.   Holiday “Serenity Session” runs for 3 weeks in December: December 3, 10, 17.”

YingYang Woman

Your Teacher is Zsuzsa Kovacs, e-RYT, GCFP

For information and to reach Zsuzsa directly contact:


Open Space Yoga
19 Factory Street, Nashua NH

Thursdays* 6:00 – 7:30 PM 


*Make sure you check for Holiday Schedule and potential weather cancellations

Community FI (R) Mondays at MoonDanceYoga

A Special Offer for Functional Integration(R) – Community Outreach

Very recently, I participated in a forum exploring models for integrative healthcare,looking at from the patient’s perspective.  We were compiling a list of requirements, necessities, that clients need to have in their care.

Among those necessities mentioned was to make it accessible, affordable and to give back to the community. It got me thinking about what I do, how I do it and whether most people would be able to afford my services on a regular basis. Continue reading

Moshe Feldenkrais, neuroplasticity and the Feldenkrais Method®

The 11 Principles Behind the Method, Movement, Learning and Optimal Function

Recently  I’ve been reading and rereading Norman Doidge’s new book on this subject, titled “The Brain’s Way of Healing Itself”, studying it, as it discusses what I work with on a daily basis and thus provides me with an opportunity to study as well as reflect on how I work with, think about and understand the Method and its many implications.

After giving us a background on Moshe Feldenkrais and depicting the origins of the Method, the author comes to discuss the “Core Principles” Moshe employed in his revolutionary new method: after all, we can consider him the first “neuroplastician”, way before the term neuroplasticity was even coined.

I read through the chapter and I knew my interest was really piqued: Continue reading

The Brain’s Way of Healing

This is the “sequel” to Norman Doidge’s best selling book on neuroplasticity, “The Brain That Changes Itself”, truly discovering the healing power and potential of our brains. It is a proof of how, due to the very nature of the brain,  it has the ability to change its own structure and function and therefore the ability to overcome and repair damaged and lost function in the process.

It dedicates two full chapters to  the Feldenkrais Method(R), a remarkable modality, using the principle of neuroplasticity in practice to help people recover lost physical and mental function, as well as optimize what they currently possess.  Highly recommended!






Complimentary Functional Integration This Wednesday

Fool the Pain – Make it Go Away on April Fool’s Day

This April Fool’s day we won’t fool around: instead inviting you to a complimentary half hour session of Functional Integration(R), or FI for short.  This is the individualized session of the Feldenkrais Method(R), the somatic movement modality, that allows you, the recepient, discover your most optimal way to move, function, perform. It allows you – through mindful movement – to release tension, useless old patterns and pain. Combined with Awareness Through Movement or ATM(R) classes, the group version of the Method, you will become the director of the change you desire in yourself.

The method, that is the toast of the town and the subject of chapters in Norman Doidge’s new book: “The Brain’s Way of Healing”, is the mind/body discipline utilized; created by Moshe Feldenkrais and finally getting the attention it deserves. Instead of using repetitive action to “fix” something not functioning optimally in your body, it uses delicate and differentiated movement to go directly to the source, the brain itself. Through movement, using the learning/changing ability/plasticity of the brain, it allows for change to happen organically instead.

Application of the Feldenkrais Method(R), not only results in less pain, better function and performance physically, but in a more fundamental shift stemming from the adaptability of the brain and the nervous system, that will allow you to grow and change continually and optimally. Working with the this somatic mindfulness method is like being provided with an owner’s manual to your whole self, where you the owner, are in charge of your progress in body and mind, actually possessing the tools necessary to initiate and follow through with such change.

So this April Fool’s fool the pain, the difficulty and the stress and give yourself a break instead: come and have a half an hour session with me and celebrate the potentiality of change, growth and life itself! And maybe, just maybe, even spring 🙂

Sessions are available this Wednesday from 11:30 AM to 4:00 PM,

to book:  call 603-548-5511 – leave message with your preferred time(s)
or email:

I look forward to seeing you soon!



Zsuzsa Belhazy-Kovacs, MsME, GCFP(R), e-RYT

Nashua Office Location Opening March 1st

It is my pleasure to announce the opening of MoonDanceYoga private office location in the Landmark Building, 142 Main Street, Room 318 Nashua NH.

This will afford a central, easy to access space, where I will be able to see clients 3 times a week starting next week. I will be available Monday-Tuesday-Wednesday for private sessions of therapeutic yoga and Feldenkrais(R) private lessons (Functional Integration) those days.

The office hours are as follows:
Mondays: 9:00 AM to 3:30 PM
Tuesdays: 9:00 AM to 3:30 PM
Wednesdays: 11:30 AM to 3:30 PM
some weekend hours per prior arrangement.

To celebrate the opening of my new space, I am offering 1 hour donation based introductory services for the month of March on a first come first served basis. This means you will pay whatever you can afford for your session: I would like to give this opportunity to all, regardless of monetary status and reap the health benefits.

Let your friends and family know, spread the word and experience the healing power of custom tailored, individual yoga and/or Feldenkrais(R) sessions in the heart of Nashua NH.

To schedule an appointment please email or call 603-548-5511.

I look forward to working with you soon!


Introduction to the Feldenkrais Method(R) – Free Class

A unique opportunity awaits: Friday, March 13, there will be a free introduction to the Feldenkrais Method (R) with Zsuzsa Belhazy-Kovacs, Guild Certified Feldenkrais Practitioner(R) at Open Space Yoga studio in Nashua, NH.

If you like freedom of movement, ease, comfort and efficiency, this class will help you discover or rediscover it as well as have you move better, get more balanced and coordinated and leave you relaxed, at ease, light and free.

The Feldenkrais Method(R) is a somatic movement modality, named after it’s founder dr Moshe Feldenkais, that uses small movements and differentiations to find optimum function in brain, body and ultimately in your entire being. It is helpful for people recovering from injury, having any sort of movement challenge, neurological issues, athletes, yoga practitioners wishing to go deeper into their craft and simply those of us who just like to feel and move better.

I would like to invite you to come and see for yourself what it can do for you!

Your Teacher is Zsuzsa Belhazy-Kovacs, GCFP, e-RYT

For more information and to reach Zsuzsa directly you may contact:,


March 13, 2015

Friday 4:30 – 5:45 AM

Regularly scheduled classes on Fridays 9:30 AM – 10:45 AM

Open Space Yoga
19 Factory Street, Nashua NH


RSVP/questions: call Zsuzsa at 603-548-5511

or email