
Yoga, Feldenkrais & Movement Therapy – More Online Classes Added Now

Yoga Mind-Body Clinic

This class is based on the work of Monica Veneziano – with her full permission – that is aimed to facilitate to yoga poses with the generous use of props – from blankets, to bolsters to head wraps and chairs – to make poses more accessible to all audiences and restore balance to body, mind and spirit.

Starting with a centering practice, we will move into a brief and gentle physical/ hatha practice that works with props during the entire time and aims to bring balance and suppleness to the body. Depending on the day, specific conditions or target areas might be highlighted, reaffirming good habits and emphasizing prevention.

After the “more active” segment we move into more supported poses, realigning the body and distressing the mind. Completing class with final relaxation you will feel refreshed and renewed in body, mind and spirit.

Since this class is truly prop and support intensive and limited in space, you must register ahead of time to reserve your spot.